How to use windows10 Step-recorder

How to use windows10 Step-recorder

Step-recorder is a tool that records the user actions on the browser and saves it as a series of steps. It allows users to do things they would never be able to do on traditional web pages, such as clicking links, scrolling, filling out forms or entering text. Step-recorder can be used for various purposes. For example, on first-time visitors, helps with first impressions and new visitor experience. With step- recorder you can record what they see on your web page and then give them the same experience by playing it back for them. You can also use step- recorder to help create animated videos for your website or blog post that demonstrate how something works or how to use it in different ways. — The step recorder is a feature of Windows 10 which allows users to record their steps and the words they speak. This is a great tool for people who want to create tutorials or walkthroughs of certain stuff on the computer. Click here